Wae Wae Non Ne Mot, Menominee Tribe of Wisconsin

"The Creator above is the Great Spirit and the Great Mystery, His gifts are plentiful therefore you want not. He holds out a branch of love and protection and He draws you to where the ground is undisturbed, where the air is pure and the water is clear and clean enough to give life.

You walk, you breathe, you feed, for you are pleasured. The times when your heart is weak, your circle is out of balance, He lifts you up again and draws you to the good Menominee road, for He is strength and wisdom."

(part of The Menominee Version of the 23rd Psalm)

Earth Prayers to The Great Spirit:

Great Spirit Prayer   Wae Wae Non Ne Mot, Menominee Tribe of Wisconsin   Black Elk’s Prayer - Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux   Big Thunder Prayer (Bedagi) late 19th century Algonquin  

Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding  

The Circle Of Life Prayer  

An Indian Prayer  

Earth Healing Ceremony Prayer  

Indigenous Peoples' Literature

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