Earth Healing Ceremony Prayer

O Great Creator,
I come before you in a humble manner
and offer you this sacred pipe.
With tears in my eyes and an ancient song from my heart
I pray.

To the four powers of Creation,
To the Grandfather Sun,
To the Grandmother Moon,
To the Mother Earth,
And to my ancestors.

I pray for my relations in Nature,
All those who walk, crawl, fly, and swim,
Seen and unseen,
To the good spirits that exist in every part of Creation.

I ask that you bless our elders and children and families and friends,
And the brothers and sisters in prison.
I pray for the ones who are sick on drugs and alcohol
And for those homeless and forlorn.
I also pray for peace among the four races of humankind.

May there be good health and healing for this Earth,
May there be Beauty above me,
May there be Beauty below me,
May there be Beauty in me,
May there be Beauty around me.
I ask that this world be filled with Peace, Love and Beauty.

Spokane, Washington, 1990

Earth Prayers to The Great Spirit:

Great Spirit Prayer   Wae Wae Non Ne Mot, Menominee Tribe of Wisconsin   Black Elk’s Prayer - Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux   Big Thunder Prayer (Bedagi) late 19th century Algonquin  

Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding  

The Circle Of Life Prayer  

An Indian Prayer  

Earth Healing Ceremony Prayer  

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