Inuit Carvings
Authentic, artistic Inuit carvings and sculptures.

Some Inuit carvings also referred to as Canadian Eskimo art are displayed at certain museums. The artworks exhibited at these museums are quality Eskimo carvings and prints created by time-honored artists from the arctic. The museum exhibits focus on Eskimo culture, history, and styles of inventive artistic expressions. They also showcase superior Inuit collector sculptures of antler, ivory and stone as well as limited edition prints and etchings.
Inuit carvings surround a rich artistic legacy involving stories that are passed down for generations and a profound reverence for their homeland and the creatures that populate the land.
The Inuit community and their ancestors have resided in the arctic for over 4,000 years. From their early stages as a wandering nomadic hunting culture to the present day, their art has greatly changed from small carvings and charms to more larger refined sophisticated works.
Inuit carvings have a global reputation and are desired by people from all over the world as a chief present-day art form.
Inuit 'white stone' carvings are sculpted from a stone referred to as Dolomite. Dolomite is a hard, white stone which is found on islands in the Coronation Gulf of the Arctic Sea. There are numerous Inuit (Eskimo) carvings from the Baffin Island and eastern regions that are produced and fashioned from soapstone or from serpentine which is a hard, dark stone.
Inuit Artists residing in the Kugluktuk community perform Inuit carvings by using darker stones from the walls of local rivers. They use these darker stones for accessorial pieces as well as for complete Inuit carvings. There are other aboriginal resources that are used to complete Inuit carvings; these resources include musk-ox horn, caribou antler, walrus tusk, animal hide & fur, and prehistoric whalebone.
If youre an art lover who desires to invest in authentic Inuit carvings, its important to note that most Inuit (Eskimo) art carvings exhibit an elevated degree of realism and detail in their features. This is one way to identify authentic Inuit Eskimo carvings.
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