American Indian Student Eagle Awards Program

Since the program's establishment, over 4000 Indian students nationwide from over 125 schools have participated.
Participating Indian schools provide an opportunity for their Indian students to compete in one or more categories in accordance with the official award rules and guidelines. Since the program's establishment, over 4000 Indian students nationwide have participated and received these distinguished awards. Over 125 schools have enrolled in the national awards program.
American Indian Student Eagle Awards Categories
• Outstanding Leadership Award • Personal Achievement Award • Jim Thorpe Athletic Award • American Indian Essay Award • Mother Earth Environment & Conservation Award • Pale Moon Performing Arts Award • Arts & Crafts Awards • Community Service & Spiritual Leadership Award
The program was launched in 1983 by Princess Pale Moon, a Cherokee/Ojibwa, who was born and raised in an era when many thought that being an Indian was disgrace. As a little girl, growing up in the Great Smoky mountains of North Carolina close to the Cherokee reservation, she dealt with discrimination and alienation on a daily basis, vowing that some day, she would make a difference. She wanted other Indian children to be proud of their heritage and to stand before their peers with confidence in their accomplishments and leadership. She wanted them to know that they were worthy and deserving of recognition.
Pale Moon's dream became a reality when in 1983 she presented the first National American Indian Student Eagle Awards to Indian students in honor of their achievements.
Walking in two worlds and learning to balance the traditional cultural ways of their ancestors with those of today's modern world, has created a unique challenge among American Indian students. Pale Moon continues to encourage Indian students with motivational programs such as the American Indian Student Eagle Awards, inspiring them to aspire to great goals and to meet the challenge with courage and determination.
Most Recent Participating Schools
Atsa' Biyaazh Community School - Shiprock, New Mexico
Browning High School - Browning, Montana
Carter Seminary - Ardmore, Oklahoma
Creek Nation Eufaula Boarding School - Eufaula, Oklahoma
Crow Creek Elementary - Fort Thompson, South Dakota
Crow Creek Middle School - Stephan, South Dakota
East High School - EWE - Anchorage, Alaska
Hopi Day School - Kykotsmovi, Arizona
Indian Island School - Old Town, Maine
Moses Peter Mem High School - Akiachak, Alaska
Muckleshoot Tribal School - Auburn, Washington
Natchez Elementary School - Wadsworth, Nevada
Ojibwa Indian School - Belcourt, North Dakota
Salt River Elementary - Scottsdale, Arizona
Santa Fe Indian School - Santa Fe, New Mexico
Second Mesa Day School - Second Mesa, Arizona
T'iis Nazbas Community School - Teec Nos Pos, Arizona
Tiospaye Topa School - Ridgeview, South Dakota
Turtle Mountain Community Middle School - Belcourt, North Dakota
Yerington Elementary School - Yerington, Nevada
Yerington Intermediate School - Yerington, Nevada
Yerington High School - Yerington, Nevada
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