List Name: Taino-L The Taino Peoples Forum
Title: List Administrator
Contact Name: Chief Peter G. Torres:
E-Mail Address
Taino-L The Taino Peoples Forum:
Sever Address St. Johns University:
The Native American Internet Affairs Council
Native American News (Wotanging Ikche)
OoOKANOHEDAANIYVWIYAO Otapi'sin Atsinikiisinaakssin (Native American News) Containing articles from Minn-Ind,
NATIVELIT, & NATIVE-L listservers; UUCP & genie email; Newsgroups: alt.native, soc.culture.native. Articles appearing have been previously posted for public dissemination and/or permission for inclusion has been secured. Letters of authorization are on file. A list of those granting permission to repost their words in this issue are listed at the end of part A. I thank each of you for allowing your words to be shared with the people. >>>----> This newsletter is a way of keeping the brothers and sisters who share our Spirit informed about current events within the lives of those who walk the Red Road. The independent news source on Native American Issues.
A Line in the Sand exploring important issues of cultural sensitivity, cultural property & copyright, as it pertains to creations of the Native Peoples. Issues dealing with Sovereignty, Cultural Property, Legal Resources, Stereotypes, Responses from the Indigenous Peoples, and Available Resources. Discussion Boards have been set up to provide space for open commentary.
Indigenous Knowledge Systems List: The world has suffered and continues to suffer from a profound loss of indigenous peoples and rural groups and their knowledge about the natural world constructed from their intimate ties to land and place. This loss has been accompanied by neglect and the marginalization of their practices and beliefs, often figured as inferior forms of knowing to be replaced by universalized knowledge derived from the Western scientific tradition.
Native American Newsgroup: alt.native
Native American Newsgroup: soc.culture.native
NativeLit-L Home Page
Native American Literature: NativeLit-L is a listserv for the discussion of Native American Literature. For the purposes of this list, "native" refers to autochthonous peoples of the North Americas (the US, Canada, and Mexico) and neighboring islands, including Hawaii. Discussions in this list are open to any aspect of native literature. The list welcomes book reviews, articles about poetry, fiction, and criticism; information about publications, talks, conferences; and general chit-chat about native literature. While different points of view are always welcome, flamers will be deleted from the subscription list without notice. This list is a low-volume list -- around 5 to 15 messages a week --, so it is unlikely that it will fill your mail queue.
NativeNet is designed to promote dialogue and understanding regarding indigenous peoples of all parts of the world. It provides a set of electronic mailing lists and archives and maintains a list of references to relevant information on the Web. Please see our information page to learn more about the history, vision and possible future ofNativeNet. NATIVE-L (news and information) /
NATCHAT (discussion) sample / NAT-LANG (language) / NAT-HLTH (health) / NAT-EDU (education) / NAT-1492 (Columbus Quincentenary). #NativeTalk
International Intertribal's worldwide chat line on the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) dealing with Native American chat, info, and help.
#Nativetalk members and guests realise the importance of children learning about the Native Culture - the worldwide Native culture as well as Native Americans. Although the channel does not tell Native Stories or talk about Spirituality, we know children learn from by example. In #nativetalk we welcome children of all ages to come and visit one of the few, clean, award winning channels on the IRC. Our Members, Channels members do not know these children or when a child enters so we must maintain our stringent rules at all times. Our regulars are aware of this, and although a slip happens now and then, overall our members welcome children of all ages, with a good heart and mind.
Sioux's Home Page - Native American Mailing List Info Page Listowners have the right to either approve or disapprove a subscription request at any time! There will be info on many Native American Mailing Lists and general info about mailing list manners! These lists are a good way of promoting native issues and seeking support for common goals and social justice for our nations on many levels for our peoples. As such we need to present a unified front in order to learn from each other!! Presently, there are 63 mailing lists listed here, but I do have a few more to add yet! If you know of any I have missed please email me and I will add it to the list. Also, if on subscribing you find details may have changed please let me know that too!
Native American Mailing Lists
Native American Mailing Lists [List index] [Native American language Guide] [Guide index] [Yamada home page] IROQUOIS Iroquois Language Discussion List Server: listserv@utoronto.bitnet To subscribe, send mail with a message consisting of one line.., 4428 bytes, 27Aug97
Native American Resources, 10620 bytes, 10Jun97
Resources American Indian Health Resources List Serves INTERNET ADDRESSES FOR BREAST AND CERVICAL.., 10670 bytes, 19Sep97
Yamada Navajo WWW Guide, 1565 bytes, 27Aug97
NATIVE AMERICAN MAILING LISTS This is a list of Native American mailing lists
NativeTech's Internet Links to Native American Resources MEDIA & LITERATURE
Gary Trujillo
the NATIVEnet List Administrator
Native Literature List Administrator
Mike Wilson,
Iroquois List
Dyck,Cynthia Taino List
"TITC Inc." Begin Your journey, learn the Steps to
Your Indian Ancestry
Beginners Lesson in Genealogy Home | Indigenous Peoples' Literature Index Page
The Tribal Directory
The Indigenous Peoples' Literature pages were researched and organized by Glenn Welker.