Indian Headress
Learn about the stories and traditions behind the Indian headress.

If you go to a museum specializing in Native American objects and lore, you are certain to find an Indian headress. The Indian headress is like a symbol of Native American life, since it represents so many things. An Indian headress can demonstrate one's status in the tribe. It can be made to look like an animal or person, or have a special design and is used for a specific ritual. An Indian headress is highly decorative and is made out of natural materials, such feathers, fur, simple dyes made of berries and patterns formed from decorative beads. The basic design is usually a crown of feathers with decorative highlights added.
It is difficult to find an Indian headress today outside of a museum, but some Native Americans today keep Indian headresses for certain occasions or for posterity.
The style of the Indian headress depends on the tribe, the custom connected to the Indian headress, and popular symbols. Every Indian headress has its story to tell about tradition, and the significance of the design is knowledge passed down through the Native American oral tradition. While much knowledge becomes lost as the years go by, researchers compile this information, and some Native Americans preserve the memory of their traditions and lean the significance of behind designs of various Indian headresses.
Some people are interested in owning an Indian headress as a novelty item or an object d'art. A genuine Indian headress is out of the price range of most people, and these pieces are usually ensconced in museums. A replica of a traditional Indian headress can be made by a talented artist who is familiar with Native American art and design. You can display an Indian headress on your wall as a conversation piece and a great highlight to a Southwestern interior design. An Indian headress can be a beautiful piece of history and culture as well as a valuable heirloom that can be passed down to your grandchildren.
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