Amazon Indians

The majority of the globe consist of industrialized lands with modernized technology and a host of conveniences. Yet, some cultures do not take advantage of such luxuries. Rather, these persons choose to live a life very different from the world. The Amazon Indians, who reside in the Brazilian rainforest, uphold a primitive lifestyle. Even though the Amazon Indians have existed for years, many people in South America are not familiar with this Indian group because the tribal members remain cut off from the rest of the world.
They live on their own lands, grow their own foods, and build their own homes. They are a self-taught group, and learn their trade and skills from parents and other tribal members.
Activists who campaign to save the rainforest accomplish a two-fold purpose.
The rainforest is preserved. Additionally, the Amazon Indians home is preserved. If the Brazilian or Amazon rainforest were to disappear, this group would be displaced. There is always the option of relocation to some other rural area. This would involve an extensive move, wherein the Indians would have to re-build their lives in a foreign territory. They have already adapted to the living conditions and climate in the Amazon rainforest.
Many people wonder, “Why would anyone choose extreme isolation?” Because the Amazon Indians are born into this way of life, it's normal for them. Besides, even if they did know about a so-called better life, they might still choose isolation. Staying within the Indian tribe, these individuals can fully grasp their culture, traditions, and history. Living a simple life leads to fewer problems or headaches. Choosing a life of isolation does not mean the Indians are intellectually inferior. Quite the contrary, they have mastered the necessary survival skills such as hunting/fishing, carpentry, self-defense, etc. Furthermore, this Indian group has also discovered various plants that serve a medicinal purpose.
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