Crazy Horse
Learn about the Native American Sioux Indian Crazy Horse.

Is this Crazy Horse? Legend holds he refused to be photographed or depicted in any way yet this is said to be the "only picture" of him.
Crazy Horse, a Sioux Indian that led in the Sioux wars during the 1860's to the 1870's, was a respected member and leader of the Oglala Sioux Tribe. Born around 1840, his name was first Light Hair. It is a common practice among these Native Americans to change the name of a child as they grow up. At the age of 10, Crazy Horse was known as His Horse On Sight. His father went by the name Crazy Horse until he passed his name down to his son at the age of 18. Once passing the name down, his father took the name of Worm. His mother was known as Rattling Blanket Woman. Worm was from the Oglala Lakota tribe while Rattling Blanket Woman was from the Miniconjou Lakota tribe and was a member of the One Horn family.
Crazy Horse was unique in that he did not follow Lakota customs. He did not wear face paint or any war bonnet during battles. Neither did he rub dust over himself as other Lakota Indians did. His reputation grew as a warrior with amazing fighting abilities. In 1866, he led a war party of 1,000 warriors against the U.S. troops who were held up at Fort Phil Kearny. This would later be known as the Fetterman massacre and was the worst defeat against the U.S. troops at the time.
This noteworthy American Indian is best known for his battle of Little Bighorn. In mid-June of 1876, Crazy Horse led 1,500 Indians in an attack that surprised the Calvary in the Battle of the Rosebud. This battle delayed the U.S. Calvary from joining with Gen. Custer and brought on the defeat of Custer in the Battle of Little Bighorn. Crazy Horse helped defeat Custer’s troops. The following year, Crazy Horse would fight his last major battle and soon after surrender to the U.S. troops in Nebraska. Crazy Horse would later die of a bayonet wound in the year 1877.
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